
Tuesday, November 30, 2010

Bentley's Got A Lot Of Love For His DB Congress!

Dierks Bentley sings about a lot of leavin' left to do, but at the last show of the year in Cherokee, NC last Saturday night, it was obvious he wanted to stay and showed his love for his DB Congress by running up and down, left and right across the stage--long after the band left--giving high fives and saying Thank You to his die-hard fans up front!

I flew in from Florida and met up with Sandra and her husband Rick. They were so gracious to drive me around and Rick was a good sport while we ladies shopped and went down in the mine!

It was such a good feeling meeting all the DB Congress reps I had only known "online" like Sandra, Carrie, Connie, Michelle, Laura Marie, Karen, Tammi, Laurie and seeing Lissa, Keesh and Angie again. It was like a family reunion! And we all had Meet & Greets with Dierks, except Sandra, who had already used her alloted two for the year.

The Casino was offering free play $5 with your DB Ticket Stub!

At the Meet & Greet, Dierks signed our picture from the Country Music Hall of Fame, "Thx for all you do!" I told him I left a card with Brittany for him with all his accomplishments from 2010 that we had blogged on He couldn't believe I flew from Florida and said he couldn't wait to see what I left for him. Brittany and Chris are always so nice, but seemed especially happy and huggy that night!

During the Q&A I asked if he and Cassidy had decided on names for the baby and he said no hadn't thought about it, and someone asked if he knew if it was a girl or boy and he said, "no, don't know that either, but I want a another girl so Evie will have a sister!"

He told us he had been writing songs and would be recording in Jan/Feb 2011 with hopefully a spring record release. Except for the Superbowl, his tour would not start again until March 7. We're still not sure what he means by Superbowl, but I guess we'll find out! I was holding up my camera while he was talking to me and all of a sudden he just stopped talking, looked at the camera and smiled! Thanks, D!

But enough about me. I'll let some of the other DB Congress reps tell you about their experiences.

SANDRA - Pics, drumsticks and set lists...Oh, My!
Sandra got her Meet and Greet after all...during the show! "Dierks sang to me, held my hand and asked me "are you an angel or devil?" "I am both an angel and a devil," I replied right before he broke into 'Lot Of Leavin' Left To Do.'" You can see her iphone taking the picture of him and then the close up! After the show, Sandra's luck continued, picking up pics, drumsticks and the set list! Notice the "Final Fiesta" title and the spelling of some of the songs!

CONNIE - The Newbie
This was my first time meeting Dierks. I was so nervous yet super excited! When it was finally my turn for my picture with him, I was completely speechless. He said he liked my shirt (I believe to start a conversation) but I was just so excited to be standing next to him and focusing on not screwing up my picture with him that all I could do was grin and say "Thank you!" I finally calmed myself down a little bit and after our group picture I gave him a Christmas present for his dog Jake. It was antler chews for dogs. My father cuts them and smooths them down and packages them to sell. I thought it would be a great idea, as they are healthier than your normal rawhide dog chews. He seemed really surprised and excited!

After the meet and greet, I headed to the front row for the concert. It was a great night! He held my hand while he sang "What Was I Thinking" as I sported my "little white tank top". I had gotten plenty of pictures and definitely have plenty of memories from the night. I even got a guitar pick from Cassady Feasby! I believe it was a successful final show to wrap up his 2010 tour. This was, by far, the best experience of my life to this day! It was so much fun! There is no doubt that I will be heading to the next Dierks show that is nearby.

TAMMI and LAURIE - The Besties
For us, we loved seeing the newest members of the band. Cassady, Dan and Brian are good additions and we look forward to seeing them more. We like the six member set. Cassady's red headband was a nice touch. He rocked it! (Dierks referred to him as 'Willie Nelson') The "UOTR" Tour was great and hated to see it end but it was nice to get back to a "traditional" Dierks show.

We loved how Dierks just walked onto the stage and then the guys were around one microphone to start "UOTR." That was a nice touch and really set the tone. The end where they huddled together again before the bow was pretty cool too. A nice way to end the year.

We were two of the few that were standing the entire show (and the people around us didn't like it). It was nice to have Dierks recognize us not once, but five times for that. Maybe we just looked silly dancing around but we didn't care: You do not go to a Dierks Bentley show to sit down. I was kind of disappointed in the crowd for not being up on their feet but that is not reflective at all of the show. (My guess is that most of them were "high-rollers" that the casino "gave" tickets to)

Anytime we leave, we are anxiously waiting for the next show. I considered it quite special that Dierks chose NC to host his last show of the year. Maybe because of all of the great support he has from the Congress there....nice thought...ha! Now, we sit and wait....but we will be ready to go again when those tour dates are released.

CARRIE - DB Congress Chart Reporter
We'd all been waiting about six months for this night to come, and I know that I, for one, had my fingers, toes, and eyes crossed that I'd get my second M&G of the year. I was so excited to find out I'd gotten it -- along with my DBC friends Angie, Tammi, Keesh, and Ronna, who I was finally going to meet! (Sidenote: the best thing about Dierks shows is that it's like a reunion every time. I look forward to catching up with the girls almost as much as I look forward to the show!) We all hung out before the show, eagerly anticipating our time with Dierks. Brittany came out and chatted with us for a while, joking that she was starting to remember names since she sees us so often.

My husband, Michael, made this shirt for me. Back in 2004, right after I'd moved from Phoenix to Charlotte, Michael surprised me with tickets to see George Strait in Greensboro. I asked him who was opening and he said "Kelly Coffey and some guy named Dierks Bentley." My response? "What the hell is a Dierks Bentley?" I found out, obviously. Bought his debut CD at the show and never, ever looked back. (I quite happily blame the Dierks love on Michael. ;)) The back of the shirt lists all of the shows I've attended since that fateful night in 2004, and I had Dierks sign the back of it (my plans are to frame it). Dierks, who enjoyed the story behind the shirt quite a bit, signed it "Carrie -- I am Dierks Bentley!" Thank you, Dierks. I know. Trust me, I know. And anybody who knows me knows what a Dierks Bentley is, too!

The show was great. I LOVED the Up on the Ridge tour, a LOT, but it felt so good to hear the songs he didn't do on that tour again. It was almost like putting on your favorite pair of jeans -- the comfort, the familiarity -- everything felt just right. We'd heard him soundchecking Wish it Would Break before the show, which made Tammi and I giddy with anticipation (one of my all-time favorite songs, by any artist, ever), and we were also treated to Little Heartwrecker and another of my personal favorites, So, So Long. But the best moment of any Dierks show ever came for me toward the end of How Am I Doin?, when he made his way to my side of the stage. The next thing I knew, my hand was in his, and those bright blue eyes were locked on me and I was just singing along in a state of shock! Luckily, I'd given my camera to Michael who was able to snap a picture of the moment, which will be the next item signed at my next M&G!

Even though the crowd was below par (lame-o!), it was very evident who was there to see Dierks, and he knew where we were, too. He spent a lot of time thanking the people lined along the front of the stage after the show, and raised his glass to us in salute before walking off stage. After the show, Ronna and I wished Brittany a Merry Christmas and she threw her arms around us in a hug and said "I know I'll see you both next year!" Yes. Yes you will. It can't happen soon enough!

ANGIE - choppergirl
This was my 14th dierks show and they keep getting better and better! I agree with Laurie--I enjoyed seeing the new members. I met Dan (Hochhalter) and thought he was a very sweet guy. It was a great show like always at a Dierks show. It was great remembering the first time I got to meet him and had the crash pic signed at the meet and greet. I will never forget crashing (her car) with goldie (Dierks' bus) lol. Can't wait for our next show wonder if he realizes how many people have become good friends because of him and his music. To me, Dierks and DB Congress feels like a big family.

Carrie and Ronna before the concert:

Steve Misamore on the drums:

Brian Layson on the lead guitar:

Cassady Feasby, Slapper of da bass:

Tim Sergent, steel guitar:

Dan Hochhalter, gotta have a fiddle in the band, Fiddlin' Dan:

A river runs through it (Cherokee, NC):

After the show, Dierks posted these two tweets:

taping them up one last time. going to bury them next week... hold a small service. they've had a good run

(Pic by Laurie at the M&G)

our guitar tech carlos dubbed this picture "so many hands, so little talent"...i am going to alert the authorities

I flew home to Florida with a huge sense of euphoria and pride! Thanks for all the memories, Dierks! Your team is awesomely talented and makes us all feel like family.

DB Congress Chair


  1. This blog is evidence of DB Congress having a great time!! <3 DB

  2. Great photos!!!! Wish I could have been there!! Cheryl

  3. Lissa Dierks1FaninSCThu Dec 02, 08:13:00 AM

    I had so much fun and enjoyed seeing all you guys again! Cant wait to do it all again next year! =)

  4. He was very adament about having another girl, lol. He doesn't want to disrupt the "balance."

    That was such a fun night. I'm ready for the next one!

  5. Great review, everyone! Wish I could have been there, too. Is it March yet?????

  6. Loved the pictures and review Ronna. I love Cherokee and glad you got to be at the last concert of the year. Miss you.

  7. Aww Ronna this put a big cheese grin on my face....all the way over here in Japan!! Keep the blogs coming!!
