
Saturday, March 21, 2009


Posted on is an article about Dierks and the making of the new Sideways video. "The concept for the video is very much a club scene, with friends getting together in a bar to have a little fun. As the night goes on and the drinks flow, the guy who couldn't dance a bit when he walked in suddenly becomes the person with the best moves on the floor."

Dierks said he learned on 'Free and Easy' that it is alright to put a song out there that people love and have fun listening to in their car.

"I wrote 'Sideways' on an airplane on the way to a gig and finished it with a friend of mine back in Nashville. Its just great to have a song out there that people can listen to and get away from their troubles a little bit and have fun."
Check out to watch a video of Dierks on the set of the making of Sideways.

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