
Tuesday, April 28, 2009

DBC MEMBERS OF THE WEEK - Lissa & Ashlan, South Carolina

Mother and daughter fans, Lissa and Ashlan, join us from the great state of South Carolina. Welcome girls!

What is your favorite DB song?
Lissa and Ashlan both chose "Sideways."

What is your favorite DB album?
Lissa chose "Greatest Hits," while Ashlan picked "Feel That Fire."

How long have you been a fan and what led you to become a fan?
Lissa says,
"I have always liked Dierks' music, but I became a big, big fan when I saw him at Whiskey River last May. I just think he is great!"
Ashlan has been a fan for nearly a year simply because her Mom got her listening to Dierks.

How do you promote? Lissa wears her braclet, has a decal on a car, uses Myspace to help promote, she constantly talks to friends about Dierks, and listens to his music all of the time. Ashlan wears her bracelet and listens to D's music as well.

Lissa will be seeing Dierks soon and I believe she seems excited about that. Here's proof!:
"I just LOVE, LOVE, LOVE Dierks! I am SOOO excited about seeing him again in June! He is just great, his music is great, and his vidoes are awesome!"


  1. Glad to read that Lissa is proudly displaying her Congress Cling!! Way to go Lissa and thanks for promoting Dierks and the DBC! :)

  2. Welcome to the DBC Lissa and Ashlan!

  3. Welcome! I enjoy meeting our Reps this way!
