
Thursday, July 29, 2010

Welcome New Delaware DB Congress Rep: Amy Shepheard

We're thrilled to introduce new Delaware DBC rep, Amy Shepheard! I asked Amy if she would be willing to be our rep of the week and she replied: "How fun! I would love to be featured!" Enjoy the Q&A!

Where and when was this Meet and Greet pic taken?
House of Blues in Atlantic City, NJ July 2, 2010

How/why did you become a Dierks fan, and fan club member?
My co-worker and I are lone country fans where we work. She has been a Dierks fan all along and invited me to a show at the Delaware state fair in 2009. I had always liked Dierks when I heard him on the radio, but didn't know anything about him or own any of his albums.
He was playing the fair with Brad Paisley, so I figured if Dierks wasn't any good, there was still Brad, right? WRONG. Dierks was amazing at that show!
I am an avid concert-goer, and his was the best I had ever seen... he totally stole the show! I was completely blown away and downloaded every piece of Dierks music I could find as soon as I got home. This year, I stumbled on Dierks's Up on the Ridge tour in Philadelphia at the last minute, not knowing what to expect from the bluegrass. I fell completely in love with him and the music, joined the fan club, pre-ordered the new album, and bought tickets to see him again a month later in Atlantic City!! I can't wait to see him again!

What do you do daily/weekly to promote Dierks in Delaware?
My friend at work and I are a team of Dierks promoters. We have others at work (hip-hop fans nonetheless) listening to him during our shifts! The local stations are slacking when it comes to the new single, so I try to request UOTR as often as I can.

What's your fav DB song/album and what does it mean to you?
As I tell everyone, I play all of his albums on shuffle, and there's not a single song I would skip. I love so many of them. My favorite tune is "Free and Easy" because I have adopted the theme as my life motto... I have been stressed out in the past, but I now realize that Dierks is right... if you only get to go around one time, I'm gonna sit back and try to enjoy the ride! That song makes me smile :-)

Welcome to the DB family, Amy, and thanks for being our fourth DE rep!


  1. Welcome Amy to the DBC. Glad you've made it to this great family of Dierks fans. :)
