
Tuesday, July 5, 2011

Dierks Intros "Shannon Country News"

You may remember when Dierks Bentley was doing his own radio show, The Thread, on WSM last year, his producer was Shannon McCombs (photo credit: Chris Hollo, Country Weekly).  Now, Dierks and Shannon team up again for "Shannon Country News."  Shannon recently emailed me to share her newest clip and to praise our DB Congress president:
"Dierks cut a short audio intro for my new show...thought you'd want to hear it. he's the best! Radio stations use this on their websites for news, 30 right now to start with...just getting it launched :) Shannon"

1 comment:

  1. I love it our President, Dierks Bentley truly is everywhere doing everything...the more we hear from him the happier we are. Thanks Dierks..we love ya! beckysrosecottage
