
Tuesday, September 13, 2011

You Don’t Turn Dierks Down!

DB Congress member, Felicia ‘Flipundy’ Bundy, represents Dierks Bentley in Minnesota, but drove to the September 11th Dierks show in Iowa with her husband. Through the Fan Club, Felicia won a Meet and Greet, but was concerned since the instructions required a photo ID. Since getting married, she had not yet changed her drivers license, so she was in a panic thinking they wouldn’t let her in to her very first Meet and Greet!

Since it was Felicia’s first Meet and Greet (and most of us know how special that is!), she had lots of questions so we emailed back and forth a few times. She finally got a response from the Fan Club and they said they got it all sorted out and that either name would do.

“I'm so flippen excited!” the former up state New Yorker told me before the show. “I've never done this sort of thing before. I know I can’t take my camera in with me....are they usually good about getting the pics up on the website quickly? I'm imagining it being crazy. I have no clue how many people actually get the M&G or how long it lasts.....I'm also kind of afraid my pic will come out with me blinking or something stupid. lol......Here I am 31 years old and I feel like a teenage girl getting ready to meet Elvis or something.

I don't think I'm going to be able to sleep Saturday night. I think my husband is being driven crazy because all I can talk about is this. But, at the same time, he understands how excited I am. I have LOVED Dierks since the very first time I heard him sing, which was back around 2003. It doesn't hurt that he's so easy on the eyes too.
My kids all know who he is. When he comes on the radio, if one of them turns it down, I say "you don't turn Dierks down" and turn him right back up again! I think he's just amazing and I admire how he does his own thing without fear.
I have a lot I'd like to say to him, but I stutter when I'm nervous. I can't believe this is going to happen. I feel like it's not real. I'm like waiting for something to happen to prevent it. I'm over the moon. I'll email you after the show to let you know how it goes. Thank you for everything.”

That was all before the show. I told her everything would be fine and to look for Iowa DBC Rep, Mona, who also had won a Meet and Greet.

Afterward, I received this email:

“I thought I would email you and let you know, everything went great at the show! I saw Mona and she helped me to feel more comfortable for the M&G. Thank god! He [Dierks] came walking around the corner and I swear I almost fainted. When my turn came to go meet him, all I could say was ‘oh my god...I can’t believe I’m standing here.’ He asked if I was really that nervous and I just said, ‘I love you!’ I felt like such a dork. But, I calmed down when he smiled. I'm sure he's seen it all. And I felt a lot better. My husband got us a spot right up in front, center stage. I got some awesome pictures. And he signed my hat.”

I’m so ready for the next show! The energy Dierks brings is AMAZING!!! It was the best night I've had in a long time or quite possibly the best night ever considering it was a dream come true.”

Felicia, DB Congress Rep

Thanks for sharing your story, Felicia!

~Ronna, DBC Chair, Florida


  1. How awesome for you!!!!!!!!!!!! I was jumping all around my office when I received my first confirmation of a meet and greet, it sure is a wonderful experience meeting Dierks...definitely easy on the eyes is right :D Thanks for sharing your experience.

  2. I'm so excited to have my story shared here:) Thank you so much for doing this. It's very cool:)

    `Felicia Bundy

  3. AWESOME STORY!!!! Dierks is really a great guy! My hubby played some hockey with him when he was here in concert. NICE folks all around! Check it out~

  4. I have a silly question. I just won a meet and greet with Dierks for an upcoming concert thru the fan club. Totally excited and never experienced this before. Is the meet and greet pass usually one pass for one person or is it one for each purchased ticket? I have purchased two tickets for the show and would love for both of us to be able to have the meet and greet.

    1. The meet and greet is only for one person, the fan club member who won the drawing.
