
Thursday, November 24, 2011

What is Dierks Bentley Thankful For?

On this 2011 Thanksgiving Day, we have a lot to be thankful for! Namely, Dierks Bentley.  In a recent reply to his DB Congress, Dierks seems to feel the same way about us!

This year Dierks had a #1 with Am I The Only One, performed for sold out crowds, reached $1.7 for children's hospitals via Miles & Music For Kids, and sang for The President of the USA! 

On Thanksgiving when Dierks Bentley counts his blessings, the thing he will be most thankful for are his two healthy daughters, Evie and Jordan. “Coming off the Miles & Music event this year in Nashville and Vanderbilt Children’s Hospital and knowing how many families are going through tough times with health of their children. That’s the number-one blessing when you have kids is that they’re healthy,” says Dierks.

“Even when they have a mild cold, it’s like, ‘Aww, man. I feel so bad for them.’ I can’t imagine what those folks at Vanderbilt and St. Jude and all of those children’s hospitals across the country, what they’re going through on Thanksgiving. I’m sure they’re just happy to be together, and that’d be the same thing for me—just to be with my family and thankful for the blessings that I have.”

The men and women who are currently serving our country are the other people Dierks will be thankful for. He says, ”The second thing we will pray for is the troops and their families, the ones that are away from their families at Thanksgiving, the ones that are out there fighting on Thanksgiving Day so we can be back here and have that quality time, have that quiet time is definitely something we’re so appreciative of.”

Happy Thanksgiving to all our DB Congress Reps--thanks for your year-round dedication to Dierks!

We give thanks to all the band and crew who together display a great deal of talent to keep our president sounding and looking good--Chris, Britt, Jay, Brian, Steve, Tim, Dan and Cassady!

And finally, God Bless Dierks Bentley, his voice and powerful songwriting talent, and the man that he is. We love you! Happy Thanksgiving!

~Ronna (Florida)
DB Congress Chair


  1. Love being apart of dbcongress and thisis why love you dbcongress and dierks bentley hope you all give thanks and have a good time with your family godbless

  2. So proud to be part of the DB Congress! Can't wait to meet more of you in February! I am truly thankful for Dierks Bentley's music! Thought I could stop here, but there was an experience I had, that for some reason, this morning I woke up dreaming about it.

    The first time I met him, he asked what was my favorite song...I stood there for what seemed to be an eternity..and finally replied, honestly, I can't pick one. He asked why, and I replied with, each song is so great, and so many of them have been an inspiration at some point in my life. Then when I told him, that I quoted some of his lyrics in my college graduation speech, he said he was so happy to know that the lyrics were beneficial to me and one of the best days of my life. Now with his song, Home, I think if Dierks was to ask me again, what is my favorite song, I could say at this moment Home is. Because for the first time in 5 years, my best friend who is in the USMC finally got to come "home" for a holiday. We were all thankful to hear that this Marine would be spending this time of the year with family and friends. Since we will be celebrating Christmas while he is home, I asked my friend what he wanted for Christmas, and he said, I want to see Dierks Bentley preform. I told him that was no problem, that we would go see Dierks preform in Charlotte on 12/3. My friend seemed so excited, since this is his first time seeing Dierks. He said, you remember back in February you got Dierks to give me a shout out on that Ustream thing, and I replied, yes. He said I am so thankful that Dierks supports the troops. My friend then told me that he shared that with the other military around him, and they all said they were thankful for Dierks. So I really hope that Dierks and my friend get to see each other, because my friend has something he wants to give to Dierks, as a token of his and all the Marines appreciation. Happy Thanksgiving to my extended family--the DB Congress!

  3. Thank you Ronna for the DB Congress Blog!
