
Monday, June 4, 2012

Donation Information for Dierks' Dad

For those who would like to donate to Hospice in memory of Dierks' dad, Leon, here are the instructions:


  1. Go online to 
  2. In the "In Memory Of:" section, select My gift is "Personal"
  3. In the next screen enter the information below.  Select "I would like you to notify the family of my gift" and the "Please provide the family's contact info" box will open.
  4. In the "How would you like your names to appear..." add your name and (DB Congress) See my example circled in red.
  5. Continue through the screens to finalize your donation.  Dierks and his mom will both get notified and you will receive a thank you letter for tax purposes.

BY PHONE: If you prefer to call Hospice and give a donation with credit card, call 602-530-6992. Just have them add "DB Congress" next to your name for the acknowledgement.

BY MAIL: If you prefer to mail a check, send to Hopice of the Valley, 1510 E. Flower Street, Phoenix, AZ 85014.  Include a note to have "DB Congress" added to your name for the acknowledgement.

Many thanks to Robin Brin at Hospice for her kindness in helping us coordinate our contributions under the DBC name. She wanted everyone to know how privileged Hospice of the Valley was to care for Dierks' dad, and they are so thrilled the family is recommending donations to Hospice.

I think we have plenty of money for flowers now--thank you to everyone who mailed checks to me today.  Any excess I will send to Hospice with your name and "DBC."

Thank you to my DBC family for your generous spirit!  I am also working on a location for us all to meet up on Wednesday in Nashville.  Stay tuned.



  1. Thanks for the info.
    Charlie and Leah Massachusetts

  2. I'm having great difficulty trying to do this online with my super-slow internet...I'm not even getting the family contact part. Par for the course with trying to do anything on here. I'll have to do it by mail instead.
