
Friday, February 21, 2014

Dierks Fan Gets Rodeo Star Experience

Last night, Dierks Bentley and his band of brothers performed in the Lone Star State at the San Antonio Rodeo.  DB Congress member, Kelly Lipham was there and she's our guest blogger tonight!

When I heard Dierks would be in my state (Texas), I didn't want to miss the opportunity to see him play. My Husband and I decided we would make the short flight from DFW to San Antonio. Thank goodness we did because we ran into him in the airport! That was my first time meeting him! He was so incredibly nice! (I was literally shaking in my boots).

We decided to get the "Rodeo Star Experience" at the San Antonio Rodeo. This package includes rodeo tickets, dinner, drink tickets & most importantly "Seats right on the dirt, close to the stage."  The set list was awesome! Dierks' energy was out of this world and had the crowd on their feet! The two songs from Riser he sang, "I Hold On" and "Drunk on a Plane" were outstanding. We were told that the Rodeo artists would not play very long, but I am certain that Dierks played as many songs as he possibly could in the time slot given.  I remember a few more songs he sang (it's been a whirlwind day!):

Up On The Ridge
Settle For A Slow Down
Come A Little Closer
What Was I Thinkin'

He talked about how he loved the new circle stage that spun around. And he joked, "we gotta up the sex because Pit Bull was there the night before."

I have to be the luckiest person on earth! When we arrived at the airport this morning at 8AM, I went to get coffee. Guess who was there in line in front of me!? That's right... The Prez himself!! Once again he was a gentleman! (He ordered a small coffee & had fruit). I asked if he would take a picture with my husband and I and he was happy to do it. We walked down the concourse a bit and talked about his busy week for the Riser Release Week. My feeling was that he is completely excited and yet humble! I do know I am really looking forward to seeing him on TV and having Riser in my hands this week!

Kelly Lipham
DB Congress Rep (TX)

1 comment:

  1. Sounds like you all had a blast. Always a bonus to get a welcomed street and greet. Thanks for the blog and keep reppin' the DBC!
